TBS Class 2-65, Bravo and Charlie Companies (xx Aug 1964 – xx Feb 1965)
BRAVO Company
Website: http://tbs2-65reunion.com/
Other: http://farmtown3.rssing.com/browser.php?indx=1793814&item=10752
Reunions: 1st reunion 1991, xxxx, May 2014 Quantico
Future Reunions: 11-14 Feb 2019 New Orleans
Class POC: [email protected]

We were Charlie Company Of 2-65.  We have held several reunions and will be ending another in New Orleans in two weeks, 11 – 14 Feb.  We had 233 in our class.   We lost 11 Lts. and two of our instructor/Plt. Cmdrs. in Vietnam.  We erected a monument to these men as well as two pilots lost while on active duty, but not in Vietnam.  We also erected a plaque at the NMMC.  I was able to locate 149 of our group in 2012 & over 40 were deceased at the time.  We have lost seven more since our last reunion at the Marine’s Memorial Club in 2016.
One of our class members, Franklin Cox, is the author of “Lullibies for Lieutenants”, about his experiences as a FO with 12th. Marines and other of our classmates.  Phillip Caputo’s book, “Rumor Of War” also contains the names of some of our classmates.
Harry Dellinger <[email protected]>