Rydstrom, Denny (DCR), 5th Platoon

Rydstrom, Denny (DCR), 5th Platoon


Dennis Rydstrom

Dennis C. Rydstrom, LtCol USMC (Ret)
27 Feb 1943 – 18 Oct 2016

VP Turner Const. (Ret) Position:
Location: San Diego, California
Industry: Education Management

Work: San Diego
Retired since Sep 2002
Turner Construction
VP Staff Development and Training (Ret)1987 – 2002
United States Marine Corps
Lt. Col. (Ret) Jul 1967 – Jun 1987

Education: Hunter College
MS, Couns. 1965 – 1967
Manhattan College
BS, Psyc 1961 – 1965

Skills: Corporate Development, Training & Development, College Recruiting

Sammons, Jack (JLS Jr), 5th Platoon

Sammons, Jack (JLS Jr), 5th Platoon

I was on a NROTC scholarship at Duke. The summer of our freshman year they put me on a tin can, the U.S. Forest B. Royal (now decommissioned thank goodness), for a people-to-people program in Northern Europe. What should have been a pleasure wasn’t. It seemed to me like a summer camp gone very wrong indeed. So at that point I started thinking about taking the Marine Corps option available to ten percent of the NROTC’s. My impression of the Corps at the time, formed entirely from conversations with my freshman roommate, Al Kyle, was that young officers mostly hung around the O-Club pool. (I didn’t know enough to take into account the fact that Al was seeing this from the perspective of a General’s kid.) Anyhow, it was true for me that I didn’t really enjoy any of the training I received as a ROTC until I got to Marine Officer’s Training School and then Jump School at Ft. Benning. (Several of us at Duke were allowed to volunteer for this for some odd reason I never understood, but always appreciated.) So I was comfortable I had made the right choice.

Most of the subjects we were taught at TBS, while obviously important, didn’t interest me at all. The only ones that did were those that offered little peeks at the culture, tradition, and language of the Vietnamese people. I decide, after just a few weeks, that what I really wanted to do was to be an interpreter/translator, and, when my scores on the language aptitude test came back high, I thought that would be my ticket in to the training. So I went to see some forgettable Major, test scores in hand, and asked him if he could arrange for me to go to Vietnamese Language School after TBS. In words I’ll never forget, he said, “Lieutenant, you can go to Language School after you’ve killed a few [derisive term for the Vietnamese people].” This experience was so disheartening to me that it soured me on TBS and, at the time, on the Corps. I just wanted to wait out my commitment and get out. So it was a great surprise that about nine months later, in a tent in Dong Ha in the 9th Motor Transport Battalion of the 3rd Marine Division, responsible for the security of convoys all along Dong Ha and having gotten to know all the bases along the Route really well, I realized that I loved what I was doing: loved my job, loved my colleagues, loved my men, and loved Vietnam.

There was a very kind, thoughtful, and effective Major in the Battalion, Major Stanley, who arranged for me to be partially assigned to Civic Action at the Battalion level, given a jeep, a driver, and a translator, and freed to do or to provide whatever seemed most needed: Med Caps, irrigation and water filtration systems, rice thrashers, reimbursements for water buffalos we shot by mistake, and any supplies we could wrangle (okay, sometimes steal) from friendly (or unsuspecting) Supply Officers. Along with a couple of doctors we also set up a temporary hospital to do cleft lip repairs on Montagnard kids (who otherwise would be shunned by their villages).

I couldn’t have been happier and asked to extend my tour, but the Corps refused and sent me instead to the Supply Center in Albany, Georgia, to become first the battalion training officer and then a company commander. Mostly, however, I got involved in local little theater and music off base, and just put in the rest of my time.

I’ll be very brief here because I’m going on a bit. Out of the Corps, then to law school, a few years of practice, a fellowship in D.C. for an advance degree, and then an appointment to the faculty at Mercer Law School in Macon, Georgia, first as Director of Clinical Programs, later Associate Dean, and then as a classroom teacher for a total of about thirty-five years.

There was lots of work on ABA or State Bar of Georgia commissions, committees, task forces, and so forth – most of this on ethical, legal education, or death penalty issues — and lots of work with various non-profits in Macon (especially my church, St. James Episcopal) and in Georgia generally – most of the non-profit work was on environmental, historic preservation, or homeless issues. But primarily I thought of myself as a law professor and legal scholar, and spent a lot of time giving talks at other schools.

Other than books, you can find most of my writings online at http://ssrn.com/author=54430 . I retired a few years back. In October, 2014, the Law Review at Mercer hosted a symposium – a “festschrift” as it is call in academia – on my writings which will be published sometime this spring. Such a generous, lovely, and, well overwhelming ending it was to a delightful career.

My wife and I and our animals live on a mountain out in the woods from a very small town in the middle of Vermont. She consults and writes; I do very little other than take care of the place, hike, write a little, and try to be as good an audience as I can for artists of all sorts.

Our daughter, Sorrel, takes care of the three grandchildren, a few hours away from us in Massachusetts, and does quite a lot of work with Cycle for Survival, a cancer research fundraising non-profit. My son, Lanier, is a music professor at California State University in Monterey and, if I may say so myself, a very good composer. He also is involved in homeless issues. All of us, including the grandchildren, play fantasy baseball together.

Sanborn, Jim (JCS), 5th Platoon

Sanborn, Jim (JCS), 5th Platoon

I left the farm in Alvadore, Oregon to attend the University of Washington in 1963. I had been awarded a NROTC scholarship, but frankly I was only interested in getting free college tuition. All I knew about the military was that it was different than farming. During the spring of my freshman year I went on an USMC orientation visit to SoCal and then in the summer took my freshman cruise on the USS Perkins. Based on my interaction with a very focused and fit Gunnery Sergeant at Camp Pendleton compared to an overweight Chief Petty Officer walking around with a coffee cup in his hand on the Perkins, I turned in a request to be a Marine Option as soon as I returned to school in the Fall of 1968.

Upon commissioning in 1967, it was off to TBS (via the World Fair in Montreal). After TBS, I was ordered to the 1st MarDiv where I was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines as a platoon commander in Hotel Company. We patrolled in the rocket belt south of DaNang and were busy during Tet. Then 2/3 was chopped to the 3rd MarDiv and was sent north on Operation Pegusus, ending up at Khe Sanh and the surrounding countryside. We worked both sides of Route 9 while Khe Sanh was being evacuated and then were sent to Dong Ha Mountain and the Mutters Ridge area just south of the DMZ. In late August I left the field to be the S-4A and provide logistics support to the field from the LZ at Vandergrift.

In October I was assigned to be an Aide-de-Camp to MGen Ray Davis, the CG of the 3rd MarDiv. I took a break in December to return to Seattle and marry my sweetheart, Sue Watson. I returned to RVN where I spent every day flying all over Northern I Corps with MGen Davis and then MGen Jones as they visited their subordinate commanders. I needed a change of scenery, so my next and last assignment in RVN was as the CO of H&S Company, 1st Battalion, 3Rd Marines from May to late September of 1969.

My subsequent USMC assignments included Guard Officer and XO of the Marine Barracks, Long Beach (69-70); AWS (72); CO of H&S and Alpha Company of 2nd Shore Party Battalion at Camp LeJeune (72-73); CO of Marine Detachment, USS Enterprise with a 9 month WesPac deployment and participation in the evacuation of Saigon; Company Commander, Director of Sea School, and G-3 Ops Officer at MCRD, San Diego (76-79); MOI, Texas A&M where I also completed an MBA (79-82); CO of MSSG-31 [with 6 month WesPac deployment], XO of the BSSG, and CO of MSSG-37 [with my last 6 month WesPac deployment] in the First Marine Brigade (82-85); and finally, Head, Enlisted Distribution Section in the Manpower Department at HQMC (85-87). In the spring/summer of 1987, I looked at my probable next assignments and realized that following Top Level School I might never again have a command position. And if I stayed in, my daughters would probably attend three different high schools. Sue and I talked this over and I chose to retire on 31 August, 1987.

I loved my 20 years in the Marine Corps. In some ways, it defined me and set patterns that I still follow today. Perhaps what I liked the best was the association that I had with my peers. The special comradery from our common set of experiences and history set us apart. But, in 1987, I was actually quite excited to start over again and do something new and different. And somehow it seemed important to us that after living in 18 different homes in 20 years, we needed to provide some stability for our daughters.

We moved with all our household effects to Seattle. We had no home, no jobs, only hope. We simply restarted our lives in the Pacific Northwest and haven’t looked back. We bought a lovely home above Lake Washington in northeast Seattle, put the girls in school, and got jobs. Sue had a very successful career on the faculty of the University of Washington. I worked temporarily as a qualify inspector in the curtain wall industry, and then accepted a permanent position with Boeing Advanced Systems (Boeing’s Military Division) in November 1987, initially as Logistics Analyst.

From November 1988 until April 1997 I worked primarily as the lead Design to Cost analyst on the F-22 Program with some short assignments on other classified programs. In 1995 I moved into the Finance department and in 1997 was reassignment as the Finance Manager of the Boeing Military Central Spares group. While in the spares business I spent the majority of my time on new business development including (wasting) 18 months of my life trying to win a maintenance contract with the UK Ministry of Defense for the UK AWACS aircraft.

In 2004 I accepted a Logistics Manager position on the AWACS Program and then for 5 years worked primarily on international new business logistics opportunities in Europe and the Middle East. In early 2009, I looked at what was in store and it looked like just more of the same thing. So, I worked about 50% time for several months and retired at the end of July.

Boeing was interesting because there was always new stuff to learn. The technology, the challenges of government contracts, the curious nature of teaming between industry partners, the management of subcontractors, and the nuances of international business were all curious and, for me, fun to learn about. I traveled on business every month on average, and while the USMC always sent me west, Boeing evened that out by always sending me east. I must also admit that I felt a little dirty working in aerospace, because as a Marine, I would not been caught dead going on liberty with an aviator.

We moved (downsized) from Seattle to a new 55 & older community located up on Redmond Ridge in deep forests of fir and alder. We have deer, coyotes, bear, and all matter of critters living in our backyard. I spend a couple of days each week doing my LDS church work and I play a good bit of golf. Sue and I travel frequently to find sunshine between October and May. During our beautiful summers we camp, hike and backpack in the Olympic and Cascade Mountains. And we have season tickets to Husky football and basketball and the Village Theatre. We now have 5 wonderful grandchildren that magnify the joy of living.

Sandberg, Michael Bruce (Mike), 5th Platoon

Sandberg, Michael Bruce (Mike), 5th Platoon

5 August 1945 – 3 November 1973
Mt. Hope Cemetery, St James MN – alongside wife Patricia

Mike Sandberg circa 1972 serving with the Lancers of VMFA-212 at Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii; Captain and Mrs. Mike Sandberg (Patricia Mays) 5 June 1971.

Captain Michael Bruce Sandberg was born on 5 August 1945 in St. James, Watonwan County, Minnesota, the son of William Arthur Sandberg and Madeleine Elsie Wahl. Michael was the second of four boys: William Allen -1939, Steven Bradley –1949, and Irving Lee –1951.

Mike attended St. James High School. He was the senior class vice president and a member of the National Honor Society. He attended the University of Utah at Salt Lake City on a NROTC scholarship from 1963 to 1967 earning a BS in Physics. While at the U of UT, Mike was in the NROTC with a Marine Corps option and attended the 6-week Bulldog Program, between his Junior and Senior years, at MCB Quantico, VA.

Mike accepted a regular commission in the USMC upon graduation from the University of Utah and reported to Officers Basic School Class 1-68 Alpha Company 5th Platoon, in June 1967. Upon graduation in November 1967 he reported to NAS Pensacola for the Naval Flight Officer (NFO) pipeline training, where he took Basic and Intermediate flight school. At the culmination of NFO training, Mike received his wings as an F-4 Phantom Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) flying with the VMFA F-4 Phantom II squadrons. He was assigned to an F-4 squadron.

Mike deployed to Vietnam flying with VFMA-115. It is said that he may have had a three month tour as a Forward Air Controller with a Marine ground unit. At the conclusion of his Vietnam tours, Mike was stationed with the Lancers, VMFA-212 MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

While stationed in Hawaii, Mike met Patricia Mays. Patricia was employed in Hawaii and both were enrolled in post graduate work at the University of Hawaii.

Captain Sandberg and Patricia Mays were married on 5 June 1971 in a military ceremony at the Kaneohe, MCAS base chapel with a reception at the officers club. Both the Sandberg and Mays families were in attendance. Michael was released from active duty on 31 July 1973 and he and Patricia moved to Tucson, AZ where both were enrolled at the University of Arizona as graduate students. Mike was studying for a master’s degree in Physics and Patricia was also working toward a master’s degree.

In a tragic twist of fate, Mike and his wife, Patricia, were brutally shot and killed on 3 November 1973 in their Tucson condominium during a home invasion. Both killers were apprehended and convicted. One of the killers died of liver disease in 1987 while awaiting execution on Arizona’s death row. The other was executed on 3 June 1998.

USMC Resume:
TBS Class 1-68 Alpha Company, 5th Platoon June-Nov 1967
Aviation Preflight Indoctrination (API), NAS Pensacola FL.
Basic and intermediate flight school for Naval Flight Officers (NFO), VT-10, NAS Pensacola FL. and Corpus Christi, TX.
F-4 Phantom II RIO (Radar Intercept Officer) School, VT-86, NAS Glynco, NFO wings upon graduation.
Assigned to an F-4 training / operational squadron.
Assigned to an operational squadron: VMFA-115, VFMA-212, possible others.
Forward Air Controller (FAC) Spent 3 months as a FAC with Marine ground forces.
Release from active duty: 31 July 1973

Personal Reflections about Michael Sandberg:
From Stephen Silver (TBS 6-67) 2 Apr 2015: “Mike and I were friends in VMFA-115 in Vietnam, where our tours overlapped. He had a great sense of humor. We had a deal – whichever one of us got to Japan on R&R first would buy the other guy’s stereo gear and ship it home for him. Somehow I got there first – I think he might have been detached for a FAC [Forward Air Control] tour?? – and spent the day in the base stereo store. I remember him being delighted and I never told him that I had slept on my wallet that had both of our money in it and then walked out of my cubicle and left my wallet under my pillow. When I suddenly realized what I’d done more than an hour later, I sprinted back. The wallet was still there and his stereo gear made it home.”
Editor’s Note: “Patricia Mays was born 15 May 1941 in Los Angeles, CA to Roderick Ainsworth Mays and Dorothy Ellen Perkins. Roderick and Dorothy were both graduates of UC-Berkeley. Patricia had one older brother, Peter born 2 May 1939 also in Los Angeles. Both Peter and Patricia attended the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA). Patricia graduated with a BA in Psychology. She was a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority just as her mother was at UC-Berkeley.”

Schmid, John (JAS), 5th Platoon

Schmid, John (JAS), 5th Platoon
George Philip, Susan Schmid, John Schmid

George Philip, Susan Schmid, John Schmid

SCHMID: John Schmid USMC

SCHMID: John Schmid USMC

After TBS I went to engineer school at Camp Lejeune. Then in Vietnam I served with the 1st Engineers and 2nd Bn/1st Marines. I saw such delightful venues as Khe Sanh and Con Tien. Then I went to Camp Pendleton, and my last job was Adjutant of the 1st Engineer Battalion.

I received my commission through NROTC at the University of Southern California. After release from active duty in summer ’71, I returned to USC and received my MBA. Citibank in New York hired me in ’73. I stayed in NYC for most of the ’70s and ’80s, working for large corporations such as General Motors in their treasury office. Tired of big corporate structures, I transitioned into commercial real estate specializing in investment property sales.

In ’90 I moved back to California and joined the Resolution Trust Corporation where I was asked to dispose of the real estate foreclosed upon by failed savings and loans. In five years I sold over 100 hotels, office and retails properties, apartment buildings and raw land, mostly in California. After the RTC was shut down, I resumed brokering commercial real estate. My biggest sale was a 250,000 sf office building in San Jose.

For the past 10 years I have been a business broker, arranging sales of privately held manufacturing and distribution companies, principally in Los Angeles County. I have a company called Summit Business Brokers, Inc. My time is spent talking to owners and explaining that they can plan their exit through someone like me or they can wait and go out feet first with no benefit to their estate.

Susan and I were married in ’95 and we are looking forward to our 20th this October. We live in Pasadena within walking distance of the Rose Bowl. Any classmate who goes to the Rose Parade or the Rose Bowl is welcome to park in our driveway for free of course. Last summer Susan retired from Kaiser Permanente. We have no children. Our hobbies are gardening, reading and especially travel. We like to see National Parks and have visited about two dozen so far. While at the reunion, we want to visit the Shenandoah National Park because we’ll be close and we don’t get to that part of the country very often. With respect to international travel, we have been through the Panama Canal, and to Europe several times. We especially liked Scotland, Ireland and Turkey.

My hobbies are swimming and hiking the local mountains. A dozen years ago I and two friends hiked the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim-to rim in two days. If any class mate wants to do it again I can put together the expedition. A lot of my free time is spent on Rotary Club projects. Right now, I am chairman of our history book committee and we plan to publish this year a 160 page coffee table book portraying the 108 year history of the Rotary Club of Los Angeles.

Selden, Jules (JBS), 5th Platoon

Selden, Jules (JBS), 5th Platoon

Jules B. Selden, of Norwell, MA passed away peacefully on Thursday, May 19, 2022.  He was born in Philadelphia, PA to Bernard and Thelma Selden and raised in Vineland, NJ. Jules attended the United States Naval Academy, Class of 1967 and served in the Marine Corps from 1967 through 1972, including service in Vietnam.  After returning from Vietnam, Jules was stationed in Boston where he met his beloved wife Nancy. Jules and Nancy were married on June 4, 1972 and the two have lived in Norwell since 1975.  Jules is survived by his wife Nancy Selden, son Jonathan Selden, daughter-in-law Erin Conneely Selden and his sister Michele St Coeur.  After graduating law school in 1977, Jules eventually worked at Clean Harbors Environmental Services for over twenty years, acting as Vice President and Chief of Commercial Litigation.  While Jules and Nancy only became dog owners in recent years, they loved their sweet and gentle Bernie, and the slightly more rambunctious Brady who they adopted a couple of years ago.  A memorial service will be held at the Massachusetts National Cemetery in Bourne at 10:45am on Monday, May 23rd.  In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to either the American Cancer Society or the Vietnam Veterans of America.

At TBS I chose Combat Engineer Officer as my MOS. However, when TBS Class 1-68 graduated, the Combat Engineer Officer Course at Camp Lejeune was not scheduled to begin until the next TBS class graduated. So, immediately after TBS I was assigned to Headquarters Company, Service Battalion, MCB Quantico as the XO. Within a few days I wound up as Acting CO.

At the beginning of January 1968 I reported to Courthouse Bay, Camp Lejeune to begin the Combat Engineer Officer Course along the other A Co. Class 1-68 Combat Engineer Officers. Immediately after graduation, I took some leave, packed away my trash, and headed to 1st Mar Div. I arrived in RVN around the beginning of April 1968. On that day there were only two Officers reporting in — me and Chuck Robb (whose father-in-law was President Johnson). Instead of low-level briefings, we were briefed and entertained by the actual Chiefs of Staff and then had “afternoon tea” with the CG. Chuck went to 7th Marines and I went to 7th Engineer Battalion, and we kept in touch for many years after our tours ended.

7th Engineers assigned me to 1st Platoon, 3rd Bridge Company. At that time, 3rd Bridge was adcon and opcon to 7th Engineers (from 11th Engineers, 3rd MarDiv). My platoon was based at Gai Le Combat Base, a click or so north of Phu Bai. Our primary mission was to immediately respond to and replace blown bridges with temporary spans, and then provide security for the Seabees who made permanent repairs. We also accompanied recons into various areas and assessed the ability of the old French bridges to handle tanks and other equipment. Our AO was the area from just north of the Hai Van pass to just north of Hue City.

In October 1968, when 3rd Bridge was transferred back to 11th Engineers, I transferred to Dong Ha and took over First Platoon, Alpha Co, 11th EngrBn. I spent some time at LZ Stud/Vandegrift Combat Base, the Rockpile and Cam Lo. My platoon did quite a few mine sweeps. Every other day we swept from the old Dong Ha bridge on Route 1 north to Gio Linh on the DMZ. On alternate days we swept west on Route 9 from Dong Ha to Cam Lo. Also, for a number of weeks, my platoon was turned into grunts and we did daily patrols and provided security for engineers working along Route 9 in the area of Cam Lo.

Upon return to CONUS I did a three-year tour at Marine Barracks, U.S. Naval Base, Boston. I frequently saw J.J. O’Brien and Beirne Lovely who had similar duty at Marine Barracks Newport and Quonset Point, RI. I was taking my physical prior to heading back to WestPac in the spring of 1972, when some past wounds and injuries caught up with me and I had to go before the Med Board. As I result, I was retired from the field of battle, married a local gal, and stayed in Boston. From 1973 through 1988 I worked for Stone & Webster Engineering and also got my law degree. In 1988 I joined Clean Harbors Environmental Services where I spent around 20 years as in-house counsel, retiring as Vice President and Chief of Litigation. I then hung out my shingle at my home office in Norwell, MA, and handle a small number of clients.

Sergo, Richard A (Rich / Dick), 5th Platoon

Sergo, Richard A (Rich / Dick), 5th Platoon

20 March 1944 – 8 November 2001
1st Lieutenant USMC; 4 Jun 1967 – 15 Nov 1971
Arlington National Cemetery, VA 22212

Rich Sergo passed away on 8 Nov 2001, at the age of 57, of renal cell carcinoma in Naples, FL. Richard Alan Sergo was born 20 Mar 1944 in Berwyn, IL to John Robert Sergo and Helen Julia Swad. Rich was one of three children with one brother, John Robert Sergo, Jr. and one sister. He attended Fenwick High School in Oak Park, Illinois.

A June 1967 graduate from Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana, he received his BS in Electrical Engineering. Upon graduation he accepted a Regular commission as a USMC 2nd Lt and reported to the Officers Basic school (TBS) Class 1-68 Alpha Company, 5th Platoon.

Al Woods (L) & Sergo (R)

Rich served one and a half tours in Vietnam. In addition to various assignments, he served as both an infantry platoon commander and company commander.  He was discharged from active duty as a 1st Lieutenant on 15 Nov 1971.

Rich is survived by his wife Margaret and daughter Alexandra of Naples Florida. He is also survived by children Pamela and Kelly Sergo (Susan Sergo); and Jason Alan and Jaclyn Anne Sergo (Cynthia Lane Sergo) from previous marriages.

“Upon being discharged from active duty, he worked as a design engineer for Litton Industries, General Electric and Exxon.  He was Director of Software Development for Exxon Office Systems.  Prior to co-founding his own company, he was the Chief Operating Officer of Eagle Computer and the Chief Executive Officer of Sierra Vista Technologies.  He co-founded Sentinel System and Paradigm Computer Systems where he served as the Chief Executive Officer.  He developed the architecture for the first real time industry standard compatible fault tolerant computer and was a recognized industry authority on fault tolerant computing.  He was credited with establishing the criteria for a fault tolerant computer.  He was active in the IEEE and served as the Chair Person of the IEEE Fault Tolerant Standards Committee.”

USMC Resume:
College 5 yrs – 1967
The Basic School – Quantico, VA Jun-Nov 1967
Vietnam Service 680109-700505; 3rd Recon Bn.
Airborne Course Okinawa 1968
MCV Recondo School Nha Trang RVN-1968
Basic Embarkation School Little Creek VA ;1969
Basic Staff Planning, Little Creek, VA 1967
Jungle Warfare School Ft. Sherman PC 1970
Purple Hearts x2
Combat Action Ribbon
Meritorious Unit Commendation

Personal Reflections about Rich Sergo:

From Jack Sammons, 1 Feb 2014: “Rich Sergo was a great roommate: warm, friendly, very easy company, terrific sense of humor, and with a wide range of interests.  We went to D.C. together a couple of times for movies, music, and bars, but I never had any contact with Rich after we left TBS, I’m sad to say, and didn’t know his story.  Thanks for reminding me of Rich; it’s very nice to remember him.”

From Jules Seldon, 20 Mar 2015: “In early 1969 I was based at Dong Ha Combat Base.  I ran into Jim Seagraves there and then one day General’s Aide 1stLt Sanborn were touring with General Carney and we spoke.  Anyway, Dong Ha was also the HQ of 3rd Recon Bn and my platoon assisted them with demolitions from time to time.  One day I ran into Rich Sergo in 3rd Recon’s area.  He was dressed in clean utilities (which appeared to have been pressed) and was wearing gold jumpwings.   He gave me one of those “look where I’ve been” looks, but we did not have time to chat.  Years later I was reading a book on 3rd Recon Bn and Sergo’s name was on the list of Marines and Corpsmen who had served in ‘Nam with the Battalion.”

Shackelford, Kenneth (KLS Jr), 5th Platoon

Shackelford, Kenneth (KLS Jr), 5th Platoon

(17 Apr 1945 – 6 May 2022)

OBITUARY:  Kenneth L. Shackelford was born in Atascadero, California on April 17, 1945 and died at home in Thayne, Wyoming on May 6, 2022. His life was filled with many personal and professional accomplishments. After high school he attended San Jose State College from 1963-1967 on a track scholarship, where he held the American and World records in the 880 and 1 mile team relay.

After graduation he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps. Once he completed OCS in Quantico, VA, he was selected for flight training and earned his Navy wings of gold. Ken proudly served his country from 1969-1970 in Vietnam, flying 229 combat missions in the F-4 Phantom.

Upon his return to the US he became an instructor pilot in the Advanced Naval Training Command based in Kingsville, Texas, and was selected to be the Marine alternate for the Navy flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels.
He married his wife of 50 years, Carol, in May 1972, and after resigning his commission in the fall, he and Carol returned to So. California. Ken was hired by Western Airlines as a pilot based in Los Angeles, eventually transferring to Minneapolis.

While in Minneapolis he successfully opened three Apple computer stores and was chosen by Apple to be one of the only people in the state of Minnesota to be trained on the “Lisa” which was the precursor to the Mac computers we have today.

In 1984 the family sold the computer stores, and moved to Park City, UT where Ken began a new chapter in the airline business as Western merged with Delta Airlines. Ken’s drive and leadership lead him to culminate his career as Chief Line Check Pilot for the Delta 737 fleet from July 1996 until 2000, retiring in 2003.

Ken leaves behind his loving wife Carol; Daughter Kelly, her partner Matt Gridley and her three daughters Emma, Abby and Olivia; Daughter Kathleen, her husband Brooks Holmes and their two sons Teigen and Torin; Son Kenneth Ill and his wife Niko Perez.
No service is planned at this time.
“When the sun of life sets, the stars of memory shine.”

AUTOBIOGRAPHY: Came into the USMC through the PLC program. Attended San Jose State University California 1963-67 on a track scholarship and was member of relay team holding the 880 yd World Record in 1967. B.A. Public Administration. Later M.A. Administration from University Of California 1977.

Basic School TBS 1-68 July 1967 – Graduated 14 of 219. Flight Training March 1968 to March 1969. Third Marine Air Wing A-4 syllabus but while at MCAS El Toro orders changed to F-4 Phantom as one of the first four “students” in the newly commissioned VMFAT 101. Assigned to Fleet Squadron VMFA 531. July 1969. Ordered to WESPAC November 1969 assigned to VMFA 314 Chu Lai RVN where I flew 229 combat missions in support of Marine ground forces. Awarded 17 Air Medals.

Returned to CONUS November 1970 and assigned to VT -23 Advanced Jet Training, Kingsville, Texas as a flight instructor. Resigned USMC August 1972.

Flew the Boeing 737 and 727 for Western Air Lines as first officer and crew member and was a ground school instructor. Joined Delta Airlines when Western and Delta merged in 1987. For Delta was a Captain on the B737, Check Pilot for B737 Delta Flight Standards 1986 – 2001, Lead Check Pilot Salt Lake City, Utah 1988-89, and Chief Line Check Pilot B-737 Fleet Delta Air Lines, Atlanta, GA 1989-2001. Retired March 2003.

Married Carol Ann Davidson at NAS Miramar May 13, 1972. We have two Daughters: Kelly 37yrs and Katie 35yrs, one Son, Ken Jr. 30yrs and five Grandchildren.

We live on five acres next to the Jim Bridger National Forest Wyoming and winter in Temecula CA. My hobbies are Woodworking, Golf, Fishing, and traveling.

Shore, Ed (SES), 5th Platoon

Shore, Ed (SES), 5th Platoon
Ed Shore and Duncan Ragsdale catch up on things

Ed Shore (L) and Duncan Ragsdale (R) catch up on things. 1st reunion.

Awarded for actions during the Vietnam War

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Second Lieutenant Samuel E. Shore (MCSN: 0-103795), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Platoon Commander with Company B, First Battalion, Twenty-Seventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Rein.), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. During the early morning hours of 15 June 1968, Second Lieutenant Shore’s platoon was occupying a night defensive position in Quang Nam Province when the Marines came under a heavy volume of automatic weapons fire supporting a ground assault by a large North Vietnamese Army force. Calmly waiting until the enemy soldiers entered his unit’s field of fire, Second Lieutenant Shore boldly exposed himself to the hostile force and commenced directing a heavy volume of fire against its leading attack elements. When he was wounded by fragments from an enemy hand grenade, he refused treatment for his painful injuries and began shouting words of encouragement to his men as he directed devastating fire which forced the hostile soldiers to retreat into dense jungle foliage. Skillfully deploying machine guns to secure his flank, Second Lieutenant Shore unhesitatingly led an aggressive counterattack upon the disorganized North Vietnamese Army force, driving it from the area. Upon returning to their perimeter, the Marines again came under intense hostile machine gun fire from another location. Still disregarding his painful wounds, Second Lieutenant Shore fearlessly led his men in a second determined counterattack which was successful in routing the remaining enemy force and eliminating hostile action against his unit. His heroic actions and superb knowledge of tactics were instrumental in his unit accounting for twenty-four North Vietnamese Army soldiers confirmed killed and the capture of an enemy officer. By his courage, aggressive leadership and unfaltering devotion to duty at great personal risk, Second Lieutenant Shore inspired all who served with him and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.

Action Date: June 15, 1968
Service: Marine Corps
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Company: Company B
Battalion: 1st Battalion
Regiment: 27th Marines
Division: 1st Marine Division (Rein.), FMF